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The first card revealed with the Song Classification
French Chanson
German Lied
Italian Canzone
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First Set The First Chapter
List of Cards (64 in total)

Song is an Action Classification which means that every Song card is also an Action card and can be played just like any other Action card by paying its cost and resolving its effect. However, a player can also play the Song without paying its cost by Exerting a Character with equal or greater Ink cost than the Song's Cost. This is referred to as that character singing the song. During the player's turn Main Phase Songs must be resolved in the moment they are played, thus effects of other elements in play must be resolved in any order before and after playing the Song. Abilities must be resolved in the text's order.

Characters that were just played are unable to Exert on the turn that they were played. As such, Characters cannot sing for a Song card until the following turn after they were played. Characters with the Singer keyword are able to sing songs that are higher costs than their own costs, up to the Singer number.

Songs have a clear synergy with Amber Ink, offering the most interactions with Character of said Ink.

Card Count

  Amber-Ink.png Amethyst-Ink.png Emerald-Ink.png Ruby-Ink.png Sapphire-Ink.png Steel-Ink.png Total
Song 13 10 11 10 10 10 64

Abilities that mention "Song"

Card NameCollector NumberInkCard TypeCostAbility nameAbility
Alan‐a‐Dale - Rockin' Rooster 20/204·EN·5 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 4 FAN FAVORITE Whenever you play a song, gain 1 lore.
Ariel - Adventurous Collector 103/204·EN·3 Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Character 3 INSPIRING VOICE Whenever you play a song, chosen character of yours gains Evasive until the start of your next turn.
Ariel - Determined Mermaid 174/204·EN·4 Steel-Ink.png Steel Character 3 I WANT MORE When you play a song, you may draw a card, then choose and discard a card.
Ariel - On Human Legs 1/204·EN·1 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 4 VOICELESS This character can't Exert.png to sing songs.
Ariel - Sonic Warrior 175/204·EN·4 Steel-Ink.png Steel Character 6 AMPLIFIED VOICE Whenever you play a song, you may pay 2 Cost-plain black.png to deal 3 damage to chosen character.
Ariel - Spectacular Singer 2/204·EN·1 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 3 MUSICAL DEBUT When you play this character, look at the top 4 cards of your deck. You may reveal a song card and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.
Atlantica - Concert Hall 33/204·EN·4 Amber-Ink.png Amber Location 1 UNDERWATER ACOUSTICS Characters count as having +2 cost to sing songs while here.
Cinderella - Melody Weaver 4/204·EN·4 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 5 BEAUTIFUL VOICE Whenever this character sings a song, your other Princess characters get +1 lore.png this turn.
Cinderella - Stouthearted 177/204·EN·2 Steel-Ink.png Steel Character 7 THE SINGING SWORD Whenever you play a song, this character may challenge ready characters this turn.
Dr. Facilier - Remarkable Gentleman 39/204·EN·1 Amethyst-Ink.png Amethyst Character 3 DREAMS MADE REAL Whenever you play a song, you may look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Put one on the top of your deck and the other on the bottom.
Golden Harp - Enchanter of the Land 11/204·EN·4 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 1 STOLEN AWAY At the end of your turn, if you didn't play a song this turn, banish this character.
Kristoff - Reindeer Keeper 13/204·EN·5 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 9 SONG OF THE HERD For each song card in your discard, you pay 1 Cost-plain black.png less to play this character.
Mama Odie - Mystical Maven 151/204·EN·3 Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Character 3 THIS GOING TO BE GOOD Whenever you play a song, you may put the top card of your deck into your inkwell facedown and exerted.
Mama Odie - Solitary Sage 57/204·EN·6 Amethyst-Ink.png Amethyst Character 5 I'VE GOT TO DO EVERYTHING AROUND HERE Whenever you play a song, you may move up to 2 damage counters from chosen character to chosen opposing character.
Mulan - Reflecting 16/204·EN·2 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 4 HONOR TO THE ANCESTORS Whenever this character quests, you may reveal the top card of your deck. If it's a song card, you may play it for free. Otherwise, put it on the top of your deck.
Prince Naveen - Ukulele Player 3/204·EN·5 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 4 IT'S BEAUTIFUL, NO? When you play this character, you may play a song with cost 6 or less for free.
Record Player 32/204·EN·4 Amber-Ink.png Amber Item 2 LOOK AT THIS! Whenever you play a song, chosen character gets -2 strength.png until the start of your next turn.
Record Player 32/204·EN·4 Amber-Ink.png Amber Item 2 HIT PARADE Your characters named Stitch count as having +1 cost to sing songs.
Signed Contract 99/204·EN·4 Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Item 2 FINE PRINT Whenever an opponent plays a song, you may draw a card.
Sleepy's Flute 34/204·EN·2 Amber-Ink.png Amber Item 2 A SILLY SONG Exert.png – If you played a song this turn, gain 1 lore.
The Muses - Proclaimers of Heroes 90/204·EN·4 Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Character 4 THE GOSPEL TRUTH Whenever you play a song, you may return chosen character with 2 strength.png or less to their player's hand.
Ulf - Mime 73/204·EN·5 Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Character 4 SILENT PERFORMANCE This character can't Exert.png to sing songs.
Ursula - Deceiver 90/204·EN·3 Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Character 2 YOU'LL NEVER EVEN MISS IT When you play this character, chosen opponent reveals their hand and discards a song card of your choice.
Ursula - Deceiver of All 91/204·EN·3 Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Character 3 WHAT A DEAL Whenever this character sings a song, you may play that song again from your discard for free, then put it on the bottom of your deck.
Ursula - Sea Witch Queen 58/204·EN·4 Amethyst-Ink.png Amethyst Character 7 YOU'LL LISTEN TO ME! Other characters can't exert to sing songs.
Ursula's Shell Necklace 34/204·EN·1 Amber-Ink.png Amber Item 3 NOW, SING! Whenever you play a song, you may pay 1 Cost-plain black.png to draw a card.
Character  Origin  Storyborn  •  Dreamborn  •  Floodborn
Alignment  Hero  •  Villain  •  Ally  •  Mentor
Species / Occupation  Alien  •  Broom  •  Captain  •  Deity  •  Detective  •  Dragon  •  Fairy  •  Hyena  •  Inventor  •  King  •  Knight  •  Madrigal  •  Musketeer  •  Pirate  •  Prince  •  Princess  •  Puppy  •  Queen  •  Racer  •  Robot  •  Seven Dwarfs  •  Sorcerer  •  Tigger  •  Titan
Illumineer's Quest only  Entangled
Action  Song