Play (zone)

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The Play zone is the main gameplay zone. Characters, Items and Locations in this zone must be face-up and are considered in play to be used by their player during their Main Phase. Physically, the zone is normally located further from the Inkwell, closer to the opponent's Play zone.

Example of the zones with cards during a game. The Play zone appears with an exerted character, two characters waiting for their ink to dry and an item.

Characters in Play

Characters can be put in play by paying the Ink cost with Ink from the inkwell or when an ability puts them there. They remain in play until they are banished by a challenge or an ability changes them of zone. Characters can accumulate damage counters less than the number of their Willpower. If the damage exceds their Willpower or the character leaves play the damage counters cease to exist. Some character's abilities trigger when they or other characters are put into this zone or when they or other characters leave it. It's recommended that Characters waiting for their "Ink to dry" to be placed closer to the player as to not be confused with those that are already dry.

Items in Play

Characters can be put in play by paying the Ink cost with Ink from the inkwell or when an ability puts them there. They remain in play until an ability changes them of zone. Items can't accumulate damage counters and can be used from the turn they are played.

Locations in Play

Locations can be put in play by paying the Ink cost with Ink from the inkwell or when an ability puts them there. They remain in play until they are banished by a challenge or an ability discards them. Locations can accumulate damage counters less than the number of their Willpower. If the damage exceds their Willpower or the character leaves play the damage counters cease to exist. Locations can be used from the turn they are played.

Gameplay terminology
Game  Setup  •  Alter Hand (Mulligan)  •  Game Start  •  Win Condition
Zones  Deck  •  Play  •  Discard  •  Hand  •  Inkwell  •  The Bag
Turn Phases  Beginning Phase  •  Main Phase  •  End of Turn Phase
Terms  Banish  •  Challenge  •  Cost  •  Damage  •  Discard  •  Draw  •  Exert  •  Ink  •  Move  •  Pay  •  Play  •  Quest  •  Ready  •  Return  •  Reveal  •  Sing  •  Turn