Card Layout

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Lorcana card layout - Character.jpeg
Lorcana card layout - Non Character.jpeg

Card Layout is the distribution of and the information in a Card. Card Layout differs by Card Type.

Character Item Action Location
Card Name Identifies the card. Y.png Y.png Y.png Y.png
Version Distinguishes character or location. Y.png Y.png
Card Art Depicts subject of the card. Y.png Y.png Y.png Y.png
Ink Icon Color of the card. Y.png Y.png Y.png Y.png
Card Type Gameplay use of the card. Y.png Y.png Y.png
Cost Ink required to play the card. Y.png Y.png Y.png Y.png
Inkwell Icon Ability to use the card as ink. Y.png Y.png Y.png Y.png
Classification Further gameplay information. Y.png
Strength Attack during challenges. Y.png
Willpower Defense during challenges. Y.png Y.png
Lore Value Victory points when questing. Y.png Y.png
Move Cost Ink required to place a character. Y.png
Ability Rule bending power. Y.png Y.png Y.png Y.png
Keyword Ability common between multiple cards. Y.png
Flavor text No gameplay significance. Y.png Y.png Y.png Y.png
Illustrator Artist of the card. Y.png Y.png Y.png Y.png
Collector Number Card Set identifier. Y.png Y.png Y.png Y.png
Mark / Rarity Complexity of acquirability. Y.png Y.png Y.png Y.png
Copyright Legal information. Y.png Y.png Y.png Y.png

See also

Card Layout
Card  Card Front (Regular  •  Foil)  •  Card Back (Regular  •  Gold)
Card Types  Action  •  Character  •  Item  •  Location
Ink Colors  Amber  •  Amethyst  •  Emerald  •  Ruby  •  Sapphire  •  Steel  •   Dual Ink
Card Properties  All Card Types  Card name  •  Cost  •  Inkwell
Characters  Version  •  Classification  •  Strength  •  Willpower  •  Lore Value
Locations  Version  •  Move Cost  •  Willpower  •  Lore Value
Text Box  Ability (Keyword)  •  Flavor text (Rules of Villainy)
Rarity  Common  •  Uncommon  •  Rare  •  Super Rare  •  Legendary  •  Enchanted  •  Special Rarities (Promo  •  Mark  •  Disney 100)
Other Texts  Illustrator  •  Collector Number  •  Copyright