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French Commune
German Gewöhnlich
Italian Comune
Other Information
First Set The First Chapter

Common is a type of card Rarity that is indicated on all cards. Common cards are identified by a gray sphere indicated at the bottom of the card. Common cards, as its name states, are the most common of all 5 rarities in The First Chapter.[1] Every card released from The First Chapter and onwards have a Foil version of all cards that can be obtained from the products.

The ratio of getting a common card in every Booster Pack is 6:12, each pack contains 1 common card of each ink.


  1. "The First Chapter product page". Lorcana Website.
Card Layout
Card  Card Front (Regular  •  Foil)  •  Card Back (Regular  •  Gold)
Card Types  Action  •  Character  •  Item  •  Location
Ink Colors  Amber  •  Amethyst  •  Emerald  •  Ruby  •  Sapphire  •  Steel
Card Properties  All Card Types  Card name  •  Cost  •  Inkwell
Characters  Version  •  Classification  •  Strength  •  Willpower  •  Lore Value
Locations  Version  •  Move Cost  •  Willpower  •  Lore Value
Text Box  Ability (Keyword)  •  Flavor text (Rules of Villainy)
Rarity  Common  •  Uncommon  •  Rare  •  Super Rare  •  Legendary  •  Enchanted  •  Special Rarities (Promo  •  Mark  •  Disney 100)
Other Texts  Illustrator  •  Collector Number  •  Copyright