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Lorcana card layout - Non Character.jpeg
Example of a Card Layout. The Inkwell located top left surrounding the Cost.
French Réserve d'Encre
German Tintenvorrat
Italian Calamaio
Other Information
First Set The First Chapter

Inkwell is the supply of Ink accumulated throughout a game. Each turn, a player may turn one card which has the Inkwell icon from their hand into Ink by showing it to their opponents and then placing it facedown into their Inkwell zone. If a card does not have the Inkwell icon, it cannot be placed into the Inkwell in this manner, but it can still be placed there by a card Ability. Players cannot look at the front face of the cards that are in any player's inkwell and any cards in the Inkwell remain there until the end of the game.

All cards have an Ink cost Cost-plain black.png that can be paid with the Ink in a player's Inkwell. To play a card or use a card Ability which requires Ink, a player must Exert the required amount of Ink from their Inkwell to pay for the cost of playing the card or using the ability. Cards in the Inkwell always return to Ready position during their player's Beginning Phase to be used again during the new turn.

Amber-Ink.png Amethyst-Ink.png Emerald-Ink.png Ruby-Ink.png Sapphire-Ink.png Steel-Ink.png All Cards
Cost.png Cards 167 154 161 150 174 162 968
Percentage 75.23% 70.32% 72.85% 69.44% 81.31% 77.14% 74.35%
Costplain.png Cards 55 65 60 66 40 48 334
Percentage 24.77% 29.68% 27.15% 30.56% 18.69% 22.86% 25.65%


Inkwell (zone)

Example of the zones with cards during a game. The Inkwell zone appears 5 exerted cards.

The Inkwell, as a zone, is the gameplay zone where the cards in the Inkwell are collected. Each card in the inkwell represents 1 Cost-plain black.png the player can use to pay ink costs. There is no limit to the number of cards a player can have here. Cards in this zone are not considered to be in play. Physically, the zone is normally located closer to the player, just below the Play zone. Cards in this zone should always be face-down and neither the player nor the opponents can look at them. Cards in this area can only be in ready or exert position.

Card Layout
Card  Card Front (Regular  •  Foil)  •  Card Back (Regular  •  Gold)
Card Types  Action  •  Character  •  Item  •  Location
Ink Colors  Amber  •  Amethyst  •  Emerald  •  Ruby  •  Sapphire  •  Steel  •   Dual Ink
Card Properties  All Card Types  Card name  •  Cost  •  Inkwell
Characters  Version  •  Classification  •  Strength  •  Willpower  •  Lore Value
Locations  Version  •  Move Cost  •  Willpower  •  Lore Value
Text Box  Ability (Keyword)  •  Flavor text (Rules of Villainy)
Rarity  Common  •  Uncommon  •  Rare  •  Super Rare  •  Legendary  •  Enchanted  •  Special Rarities (Promo  •  Mark  •  Disney 100)
Other Texts  Illustrator  •  Collector Number  •  Copyright
Gameplay terminology
Game  Setup  •  Alter Hand (Mulligan)  •  Game Start  •  Win Condition
Zones  Deck  •  Play  •  Discard  •  Hand  •  Inkwell  •  The Bag
Turn Phases  Beginning Phase  •  Main Phase  •  End of Turn Phase
Terms  Banish  •  Challenge  •  Cost  •  Damage  •  Discard  •  Draw  •  Exert  •  Ink  •  Move  •  Pay  •  Play  •  Quest  •  Ready  •  Return  •  Reveal  •  Sing  •  Turn