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Elsa - Snow Queen
The first card revealed with the Queen Classification
French Reine
German Königin
Italian Regina
Other Information
First Set The First Chapter
List of Characters (44 in total)

Queen is a Character Classification which features female characters members of royalty.

Card Count

  Amber-Ink.png Amethyst-Ink.png Emerald-Ink.png Ruby-Ink.png Sapphire-Ink.png Steel-Ink.png Total
Queen 4 19 7 5 11 1 44

Abilities that mention "Queen"

Card NameCollector NumberInkCard TypeCostAbility nameAbility
Grand Duke - Advisor to the King 9/204·EN·2 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 2 YES, YOUR MAJESTY Your Prince, Princess, King, and Queen characters get +1 strength.png.
Hans - Noble Scoundrel 146/204·EN·4 Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Character 3 ROYAL SCHEMES When you play this character, if a Princess or Queen character is in play, gain 1 lore.
Mattias - Arendelle Guard 155/204·EN·7 Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Character 2 PROUD TO SERVE Your Queen characters gain Ward. (Opponents can't choose them except to challenge.)
Queen's Sensor Core 31/204·EN·5 Amber-Ink.png Amber Item 2 SYMBOL OF NOBILITY At the start of your turn, if you have a Princess or Queen character in play, gain 1 lore.
Queen's Sensor Core 31/204·EN·5 Amber-Ink.png Amber Item 2 ROYAL SEARCH Exert.png, 2 Cost-plain black.png – Reveal the top card of your deck. If it's a Princess or Queen character card, you may put it into your hand. Otherwise, put it on the top of your deck.
Character  Origin  Storyborn  •  Dreamborn  •  Floodborn
Alignment  Hero  •  Villain  •  Ally  •  Mentor
Species / Occupation  Alien  •  Broom  •  Captain  •  Deity  •  Detective  •  Dragon  •  Fairy  •  Hyena  •  Inventor  •  King  •  Knight  •  Madrigal  •  Musketeer  •  Pirate  •  Prince  •  Princess  •  Puppy  •  Queen  •  Racer  •  Robot  •  Seven Dwarfs  •  Sorcerer  •  Tigger  •  Titan
Illumineer's Quest only  Entangled
Action  Song