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Dalmatian Puppy - Tail Wagger
The first card revealed with the Puppy Classification
French Chiot
German Welpe
Italian Cucciolo
Other Information
First Set Into the Inklands
List of Characters (7 in total)

Puppy is a Character Classification which features juvenile dogs from 101 Dalmatians.

Card Count

  Amber-Ink.png Amethyst-Ink.png Emerald-Ink.png Ruby-Ink.png Sapphire-Ink.png Steel-Ink.png Total
Puppy 4 0 0 0 3 0 7

Abilities that mention "Puppy"

Card NameCollector NumberInkCard TypeCostAbility nameAbility
Kanine Krunchies 43/204·EN·7 Amber-Ink.png Amber Item 1 YOU CAN BE A CHAMPION, TOO Your Puppy characters get +1 Willpower.
Pepper - Quick‐Thinking Puppy 167/204·EN·7 Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Character 3 IN THE NICK OF TIME Whenever one of your Puppy characters is banished, you may put that card into your inkwell facedown and exerted.
Perdita - Playful Mother 2/204·EN·7 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 4 WHO’S NEXT? Whenever this character quests, you pay 2 Cost-plain black.png less for the next Puppy character you play this turn.
Perdita - Playful Mother 2/204·EN·7 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 4 DON’T BE AFRAID Your Puppy characters gain Ward. (Opponents can't choose them except to challenge.)
Pongo - Dear Old Dad 29/204·EN·7 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 6 FOUND YOU, YOU LITTLE RASCAL At the start of your turn, look at the cards in your inkwell. You may play a Puppy character from there for free.
Roger Radcliffe - Dog Lover 5/204·EN·7 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 1 THERE YOU GO Whenever this character quests, you may remove up to 1 damage from each of your Puppy characters.
Thunderbolt - Wonder Dog 23/204·EN·7 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 5 Puppy Shift 3 (You may pay 3 Cost-plain black.png to play this on top of one of your Puppy characters.)
Character  Origin  Storyborn  •  Dreamborn  •  Floodborn
Alignment  Hero  •  Villain  •  Ally  •  Mentor
Species / Occupation  Alien  •  Broom  •  Captain  •  Deity  •  Detective  •  Dragon  •  Fairy  •  Hyena  •  Inventor  •  King  •  Knight  •  Madrigal  •  Musketeer  •  Pirate  •  Prince  •  Princess  •  Puppy  •  Queen  •  Racer  •  Robot  •  Seven Dwarfs  •  Sorcerer  •  Tigger  •  Titan
Illumineer's Quest only  Entangled
Action  Song