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Cruella De Vil - Miserable as Usual
The first card revealed with the Villain Classification
French Méchant
German Schurke / Schurkin
Italian Cattivo
Other Information
First Set The First Chapter
List of Characters (193 in total)

Villain is a Character Classification which features antagonist characters with an evil alignment.

Card Count

  Amber-Ink.png Amethyst-Ink.png Emerald-Ink.png Ruby-Ink.png Sapphire-Ink.png Steel-Ink.png Total
Villain 11 49 41 38 30 27 193

Abilities that mention "Villain"

Card NameCollector NumberInkCard TypeCostAbility nameAbility
Bad‐Anon - Villain Support Center 203/204·EN·5 Steel-Ink.png Steel Location 3 THERE'S NO ONE I'D RATHER BE THAN ME Villain characters gain "Exert.png, 3 Cost-plain black.png - Play a character with the same name as this character for free" while here.
Dang Hu - Talon Chief 142/204·EN·4 Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Character 5 YOU BETTER TALK FAST Your other Villain characters gain Support. (Whenever they quest, you may add their strength.png to another chosen character's strength.png this turn.)
Evil Comes Prepared 128/204·EN·5 Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Action 2 Ready chosen character of yours. They can’t quest for the rest of this turn. If a Villain character is chosen, gain 1 lore.
Hades - King of Olympus 5/204·EN·1 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 8 SINISTER PLOT This character gets +1 lore.png for each other Villain character you have in play.
Panic - Immortal Sidekick 82/204·EN·4 Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Character 4 REPORTING FOR DUTY While this character is exerted, if you have a character named Pain in play, your Villain characters can't be challenged.
Potion of Might 132/204·EN·5 Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Item 1 VILE CONCOCTION 1 Cost-plain black.png, Banish this item - Chosen character gets +3 strength.png this turn. If a Villain character is chosen, they get +4 strength.png instead.
Queen of Hearts - Wonderland Empress 20/204·EN·3 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 3 ALL WAYS HERE ARE MY WAYS Whenever this character quests, your other Villain characters get +1 lore.png this turn.
Sword of Truth 136/204·EN·1 Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Item 4 FINAL ENCHANTMENT Banish this item – Banish chosen Villain character.
The Most Diabolical Scheme 131/204·EN·2 Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Action 3 (A character with cost 3 or more can Exert.png to sing this song for free.)
The Plank 133/204·EN·4 Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Item 3 WALK! 2 Cost-plain black.png, Banish this item – Choose one:
• Banish chosen Hero character.
Ready chosen Villain character. They can't quest for the rest of this turn.
Vicious Betrayal 100/204·EN·1 Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Action 1 Chosen character gets +2 strength.png this turn. If a Villain character is chosen, they get +3 strength.png instead.
Character  Origin  Storyborn  •  Dreamborn  •  Floodborn
Alignment  Hero  •  Villain  •  Ally  •  Mentor
Species / Occupation  Alien  •  Broom  •  Captain  •  Deity  •  Detective  •  Dragon  •  Fairy  •  Hyena  •  Inventor  •  King  •  Knight  •  Madrigal  •  Musketeer  •  Pirate  •  Prince  •  Princess  •  Puppy  •  Queen  •  Racer  •  Robot  •  Seven Dwarfs  •  Sorcerer  •  Tigger  •  Titan
Illumineer's Quest only  Entangled
Action  Song