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French Lore
German Legendenwert
Italian Leggenda
Other Information
First Set The First Chapter

Lore are the fragments of Disney Stories scattered across the realm of Lorcana by The Flood that must be collected for safekeeping. Illumineers create Glimmers and task them with retrieving Lore from the Inklands. Lore can be tracked using an Aurelian Gyrosensor. Ursula seems to require Lore to accomplish a certain plan.

Ursula needs lore to complete her plan....”

Flotsam - Riffraff
Into the Inklands72/204·EN·3


Lore Amber-Ink.png Amethyst-Ink.png Emerald-Ink.png Ruby-Ink.png Sapphire-Ink.png Steel-Ink.png Total Total %
0 1 2 1 11 15 1.34%
1 89 110 83 106 78 98 564 50.31%
2 84 63 74 51 70 59 401 35.77%
3 9 11 19 7 18 10 74 6.6%
4 1 2 4 1 2 2 12 1.07%
5 1 1 0.09%


Lore Amber-Ink.png Amethyst-Ink.png Emerald-Ink.png Ruby-Ink.png Sapphire-Ink.png Steel-Ink.png Total Total %
0 4 3 3 7 6 3 26 2.32%
1 5 5 5 2 5 22 1.96%
2 1 1 2 1 1 6 0.54%


Gathering 20 Lore during their turn is one of the two possible conditions required for a player to win the game. There are two ways of achieving this:

The diamond shaped symbols at the bottom right of every Character card is its Lore Value, which is the amount of lore you gain when the character quests. A player can choose to quest with a character by exerting it. Currently, the lowest amount of Lore Value on a character card is 0. Conversely, the highest amount of Lore Value on a character card is 5.

On Location cards, the Lore Value is printed in the top right when looking at it vertically. When in play the Location generates Lore regardless of if there is a Character on it or not. Currently, the lowest amount of Lore Value on a location card is 0. Conversely, the highest amount of Lore Value on a location card is 2.

Card Layout
Card  Card Front (Regular  •  Foil)  •  Card Back (Regular  •  Gold)
Card Types  Action  •  Character  •  Item  •  Location
Ink Colors  Amber-Ink.png Amber  •  Amethyst-Ink.png Amethyst  •  Emerald-Ink.png Emerald  •  Ruby-Ink.png Ruby  •  Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire  •  Steel-Ink.png Steel  •   Dual Inks
Card Properties  All Card Types  Card name  •  Cost  •  Inkwell
Characters  Version  •  Classification  •  Strength  •  Willpower  •  Lore Value
Locations  Version  •  Move Cost  •  Willpower  •  Lore Value
Text Box  Ability (Keyword)  •  Flavor text (Rules of Villainy)
Rarity  Common  •  Uncommon  •  Rare  •  Super Rare  •  Legendary  •  Enchanted  •  Special Rarities (Promo  •  Mark  •  Disney 100)
Other Texts  Illustrator  •  Collector Number  •  Copyright