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Tiana - Celebrating Princess
The first card revealed with the Resist Keyword
French Résistance
German Robust
Italian Resistere
Other Information
First Set Rise of the Floodborn
Rulings Resist rulings
List of Cards (29 in total)

Resist is a Keyword which allows your Characters to reduce any damage dealt to the character. It was first introduced in Rise of the Floodborn. As of Shimmering Skies, all Resist increase values are 1, 2 or 3.

Language Effect
English UK-flag.png Resist +X (Damage dealt to this character is reduced by X.)
French FR-flag.png Résistance +X (Les dommages qui lui sont infligés sont réduits de X.)
German DE-flag.png Robust +X (Reduziere jeglichen Schaden, der diesem Charakter zugefügt wird, um X.)
Italian IT-flag.png Resistere +X (Il danno inflitto a questo personaggio è ridotto di X.)

Card Count

  Amber-Ink.png Amethyst-Ink.png Emerald-Ink.png Ruby-Ink.png Sapphire-Ink.png Steel-Ink.png Total
Resist 1 1 2 2 3 21 29

Abilities that mention "Resist"

Card NameCollector NumberInkCard TypeCostAbility nameAbility
Arthur - King Victorious 194/204·EN·5 Steel-Ink.png Steel Character 7 KNIGHTED BYTHE KING When you play this character, chosen character gains Challenger +2 and Resist +2 and can challenge ready characters this turn. (They get +2 strength.png while challenging. Damage dealt to them is reduced by 2.)
Captain Amelia - Commander of the Legacy 192/204·EN·6 Steel-Ink.png Steel Character 4 DRIVELING GALOOTS This character can't be challenged by Pirate characters.
Captain Amelia - Commander of the Legacy 192/204·EN·6 Steel-Ink.png Steel Character 4 EVERYTHING SHIPSHAPE While being challenged, your other characters gain Resist +1. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 1.)
Charge! 198/204·EN·2 Steel-Ink.png Steel Action 2 Chosen character gains Challenger +2 and Resist +2 this turn. (They get +2 strength.png while challenging. Damage dealt to them is reduced by 2.)
Cogsworth - Grandfather Clock 142/204·EN·2 Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Character 5 UNWIND Your other characters gain Resist +1 (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 1.)
Field of Ice 166/204·EN·4 Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Item 3 ICY DEFENSE Whenever you play a character, they gain Resist +1 until the start of your next turn. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 1.)
Four Dozen Eggs 163/204·EN·2 Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Action 4 (A character with cost 4 or more can Exert.png to sing this song for free.)
Gizmosuit 200/204·EN·3 Steel-Ink.png Steel Item 3 CYBERNETIC ARMOR Banish this item – Chosen character gains Resist +2 until the start of your next turn. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 2.)
Grumpy - Skeptical Knight 186/204·EN·5 Steel-Ink.png Steel Character 3 BOON OF RESILIENCE While one of your Knight characters is at a location, that character gains Resist +2. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 2.)
Grumpy - Skeptical Knight 186/204·EN·5 Steel-Ink.png Steel Character 3 BURST OF SPEED During your turn, this character gains Evasive. (They can challenge characters with Evasive.)
John Silver - Greedy Treasure Seeker 176/204·EN·3 Steel-Ink.png Steel Character 3 CHART YOUR OWN COURSE For each location you have in play, this character gains Resist +1 and gets +1 lore.png. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 1.)
Kuzco - Selfish Emperor 149/204·EN·5 Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Character 6 BY INVITE ONLY 4 Cost-plain black.png – Your other characters gain Resist +1 until the start of your next turn. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 1.)
Little John - Resourceful Outlaw 178/204·EN·3 Steel-Ink.png Steel Character 6 OKAY, BIG SHOT While this character is exerted, your characters with Bodyguard gain Resist +1 and get +1 lore.png. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 1.)
Lythos - Rock Titan 180/204·EN·3 Steel-Ink.png Steel Character 4 STONE SKIN Exert.png – Chosen character gains Resist +2 this turn.
Magic Broom - Industrial Model 188/204·EN·2 Steel-Ink.png Steel Character 3 MAKE IT SHINE When you play this character, chosen character gains Resist +1 until the start of your next turn. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 1.)
Maui's Place of Exile - Hidden Island 202/204·EN·3 Steel-Ink.png Steel Location 2 ISOLATED Characters gain Resist +1 while here. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 1.)
Merlin - Back from Bermuda 142/204·EN·5 Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Character 4 LONG LIVE THE KING! Your characters named Arthur gain Resist +1. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 1.)
Mouse Armor 203/204·EN·2 Steel-Ink.png Steel Item 2 PROTECTION Exert.png – Chosen character gains Resist +1 until the start of your next turn. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 1.)
Noi - Orphaned Thief 155/204·EN·2 Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Character 2 HIDE AND SEEK While you have an item in play, this character gains Resist +1 and Ward. (Damage dealt to this character is reduced by 1. Opponents can't choose this character except to challenge.)
One Last Hope 197/204·EN·4 Steel-Ink.png Steel Action 3 (A character with cost 3 or more can Exert.png to sing this song for free.)
Plate Armor 201/204·EN·5 Steel-Ink.png Steel Item 4 WELL CRAFTED Exert.png - Chosen character gains Resist +2 until the start of your next turn. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 2.)
Prince Phillip - Gallant Defender 152/204·EN·4 Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Character 3 BEST DEFENSE Whenever one of your characters is chosen for Support, they gain Resist +1 this turn. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 1.)
Shield of Arendelle 200/204·EN·5 Steel-Ink.png Steel Item 1 DEFLECT Banish this item – Chosen character gains Resist +1 until the start of your next turn. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 1.)
Snow White - Fair‐Hearted 183/204·EN·5 Steel-Ink.png Steel Character 5 NATURAL LEADER This character gains Resist +1 for each other Knight character you have in play. (Damage dealt to this character is reduced by 1 for each other Knight.)
Vault Door 167/204·EN·3 Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Item 4 SEALED AWAY Your locations and characters at locations gain Resist +1. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 1.)
Character Keywords  Bodyguard  •  Challenger  •  Evasive  •  Reckless  •  Resist  •  Rush  •  Shift (Classification Shift  •  Universal Shift)  •  Singer  •  Support  •  Vanish  •  Ward
Action Keywords  Sing Together