Sing Together

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Sing Together
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The first card revealed with the Sing Together Keyword
Other Information
First Set Ursula's Return
List of Cards (6 in total)

Sing Together is a Keyword which allows your or your teammates' Characters be Exerted in order to sing a song for free. The sum of the costs of the combined characters must be equal to or more than the cost of the song. This is the first keyword to appear only on Action cards, more specifically on songs, so far.

Card Count

  Amber-Ink.png Amethyst-Ink.png Emerald-Ink.png Ruby-Ink.png Sapphire-Ink.png Steel-Ink.png Total
Sing Together 1 1 1 1 1 1 6

Abilities that mention "Sing Together"

Card NameCollector NumberInkCard TypeCostAbility nameAbility
Character Keywords  Bodyguard  •  Challenger  •  Evasive  •  Reckless  •  Resist  •  Rush  •  Shift (Universal Shift)  •  Singer  •  Support  •  Vanish  •  Ward
Action Keywords  Sing Together