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Iago - Giant Spectral Parrot
The first card revealed with the Vanish Keyword
Other Information
First Set Archazia's Island
Rulings Vanish rulings
List of Cards (3 in total)

Vanish is a Keyword that reacts whenever an opponent chooses your Characters in any action.

Language Effect
English UK-flag.png Vanish (When an opponent chooses this character for an action, banish them.)
French FR-flag.png
German DE-flag.png
Italian IT-flag.png

Card Count

Abilities that mention "Vanish"

Character Keywords  Bodyguard  •  Challenger  •  Evasive  •  Reckless  •  Resist  •  Rush  •  Shift (Classification Shift  •  Universal Shift)  •  Singer  •  Support  •  Vanish  •  Ward
Action Keywords  Sing Together