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Stitch - Rock Star
The first card revealed with the Shift Keyword
French Alter
German Gestaltwandel
Italian Trasformazione
Other Information
First Set The First Chapter
Rulings Shift rulings
List of Cards (117 in total)

Shift is a Keyword that allows you to summon a high Cost Character earlier. By paying the resources stated next to the Shift keyword, you can play a higher cost character on another character with the same Name. Along with Sing Together, Shift is the only Keyword that appears in all 6 Ink colors.

A Shift character that was played on top of another character using its Shift Ability retains the original characters' damage, whether they are Exerted or not and if they will be able to Exert on the same turn.

Once a shifted character leaves play, all cards in the stack go with them.

Language Effect
English UK-flag.png Shift X (You may pay X Cost-plain black.png to play this on top of one of your characters named Base Character.)
French FR-flag.png Alter X (Vous pouvez payer X Cost-plain black.png pour jouer ce personnage sur l'un de vos personnages Base Character.)
German DE-flag.png Gestaltwandel X (Du kannst X Cost-plain black.png zahlen, um diesen Charakter auf einen deiner Base Character-Charaktere auszuspielen.)
Italian IT-flag.png Trasformazione X (Puoi pagare X Cost-plain black.png per giocare questa carta sopra a uno dei tuoi personaggi chiamato Base Character.)

Shift variants

Classification Shift

Classification Shift is a variant of Shift, in which the Shifted character can be played on top of any character of a particular Classification regardless of name. Thunderbolt - Wonder Dog is an example of a card with Classification Shift.

Universal Shift

Universal Shift is a variant of Shift, in which the Shifted character can be played on top of any character, regardless of name or classification. Baymax - Giant Robot is an example of a card with Universal Shift.

Card Count

  Amber-Ink.png Amethyst-Ink.png Emerald-Ink.png Ruby-Ink.png Sapphire-Ink.png Steel-Ink.png Total
Shift 22 22 23 18 23 17 117

Abilities that mention "Shift"

Card NameCollector NumberInkCard TypeCostAbility nameAbility
Basil - Great Mouse Detective 138/204·EN·2 Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Character 6 THERE'S ALWAYS A CHANCE If you used Shift to play this character, you may draw 2 cards when he enters play.
Bucky - Squirrel Squeak Tutor 73/204·EN·2 Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Character 3 SQUEAK Whenever you play a Floodborn character, if you used Shift to play them, each opponent chooses and discards a card.
Donald Duck - Pie Slinger 107/204·EN·5 Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Character 5 HUMBLE PIE When you play this character, if you used Shift to play him, each opponent loses 2 lore.
Merlin - Intellectual Visionary 159/204·EN·5 Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Character 6 OVERDEVELOPED BRAIN When you play this character, if you used Shift to play him, you may search your deck for any card, put that card into your hand, then shuffle your deck.
Mickey Mouse - Musketeer Captain 16/204·EN·4 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 7 MUSKETEERS UNITED When you play this character, if you used Shift to play him, you may draw a card for each character with Bodyguard you have in play.
Minnie Mouse - Drum Major 15/204·EN·5 Amber-Ink.png Amber Character 5 PARADE ORDER When you play this character, if you used Shift to play her, you may search your deck for a character card and reveal that card to all players. Shuffle your deck and put that card on top of it.
Morph - Space Goo 81/204·EN·3 Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Character 2 MIMICRY You may play any character with Shift on this character as if this character had any name.
Mulan - Elite Archer 114/204·EN·4 Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Character 6 STRAIGHT SHOOTER When you play this character, if you used Shift to play her, she gets +3 strength.png this turn.
Pegasus - Cloud Racer 83/204·EN·4 Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Character 5 HOP ON! When you play this character, if you used Shift to play him, your characters gain Evasive until the start of your next turn.
Te Kā - Elemental Terror 54/204·EN·7 Amethyst-Ink.png Amethyst Character 10 Shift 7 (You may pay 7 Cost-plain black.png to play this on top of one of your characters named Te Kā.)
Turbo - Royal Hack 106/204·EN·5 Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Character 2 GAME JUMP This character also counts as being named King Candy for Shift.
Yokai - Intellectual Schemer 97/204·EN·7 Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Character 2 INNOVATE You pay 1 Cost-plain black.png less to play characters using their Shift ability.
Character Keywords  Bodyguard  •  Challenger  •  Evasive  •  Reckless  •  Resist  •  Rush  •  Shift (Classification Shift  •  Universal Shift)  •  Singer  •  Support  •  Vanish  •  Ward
Action Keywords  Sing Together