Stitch - Covert Agent

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Agent sous couverture
Insaisissable (Seuls les personnages avec Insaisissable peuvent défier ce personnage.)

  CACHÉ   Tant que ce personnage se trouve sur un lieu, il gagne Hors d'atteinte (Les adversaires ne peuvent pas choisir ce personnage, hormis pour un défi.)

Pour un look si tape à l'oeil, il est plutôt difficile à repérer !
Verdeckter Ermittler
Wendig (Nur Charaktere mit Wendig können diesen Charaktere herausfordern.)

  VERSTECKEN   Solange dieser Charakter an einem Ort ist, erhält er Behütet. (Gegnerische Karten können diesen Charakter nicht auswählen, außer um ihn herauszufordern.)

Dafür, dass er so auffällig angezogen ist, ist er wirklich schwer zu entdecken.
Agente in Incognito
Sfuggente (Solo altri personaggi con Sfuggente possono sfidare questo personaggio.)

  NASCONDERSI   Mentre questo personaggio si trova in un luogo, ottiene Protetto. (Gli avversari non possono sceglierlo se non per sfidarlo.)

Per essere un elegantone così appariscente, è sicuramente difficile da individuare.

Shift Options

Shift options
Floodborn versions
Version Ink Cost Strength Willpower Lore Value Rarity Shift Cost
Alien Buccaneer Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Uninkable 4.png Strength Emerald 3.png Willpower Emerald 4.png Lore.pngLore.png Rare2.png Rare 3 Cost-plain black.png
Rock Star Amber-Ink.png Amber Inkable 6.png Strength Amber 3.png Willpower Amber 5.png Lore.pngLore.pngLore.png Super Rare2.png Super Rare 4 Cost-plain black.png
Storyborn and Dreamborn versions
Version Ink Cost Strength Willpower Lore Value Rarity
Abomination Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Inkable 6.png Strength Ruby 4.png Willpower Ruby 6.png Lore.pngLore.pngLore.png Rare2.png Rare
Alien Dancer Amber-Ink.png Amber Inkable 2.png Strength Amber 2.png Willpower Amber 3.png Lore.png Common2.png Common
Carefree Surfer Amber-Ink.png Amber Inkable 7.png Strength Amber 4.png Willpower Amber 8.png Lore.pngLore.png Legendary2.png Legendary
Covert Agent Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Inkable 5.png Strength Emerald 3.png Willpower Emerald 3.png Lore.pngLore.png Rare2.png Rare
Little Rocket Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Uninkable 2.png Strength Ruby 3.png Willpower Ruby 1.png Lore.png Common2.png Common
Little Trickster Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Inkable 2.png Strength Emerald 1.png Willpower Emerald 3.png Lore.png Common2.png Common
New Dog Amber-Ink.png Amber Inkable 1.png Strength Amber 2.png Willpower Amber 2.png Lore.png Common2.png Common
Team Underdog Steel-Ink.png Steel Uninkable 4.png Strength Steel 1.png Willpower Steel 4.png Lore.png Uncommon2.png Uncommon

Second Ability

 HIDE While this character is at a location, he gains Ward. (Opponents can't choose them except to challenge.)Triggered

Found In

Product Name Release Date Quantity
Into the Inklands Gift Set February 23, 2024 1


Release Card No. Set Rarity
February 23, 2024 89/204·EN·3 Into the Inklands Rare.png Rare