Donald Duck - Musketeer

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Donald Duck
Bodyguard (This character may enter play exerted. An opposing character who challenges one of your characters must choose one with Bodyguard if able.)

  STAY ALERT!   During your turn, your Musketeer characters gain Evasive. (They can challenge characters with Evasive.)

Source: Lorcana App
Rempart (Ce personnage peut entrer en jeu épuisé. Lorsqu'il vous défie, un personnage adverse doit, si possible, choisir l'un de vos personnages avec Rempart.)

  RESTEZ SUR VOS GARDES !   Durant votre tour, vos personnages Mousquetaires gagnent Insaisissable. (Ils peuvent défier les personnages avec Insaisissable.)

Source: Lorcana App
Donald Duck
Beschützen (Du darfst diesen Charakter erschöpft ausspielen. Gegnerische Charaktere müssen beim Herausfordern zuerst deine Charaktere mit Beschützen wählen, wenn möglich.)

  BLEIB AUF DER HUT!   Deine Musketiere erhalten in deinem Zug Wendig. (Sie können Charaktere mit Wendig herausfordern.)

Source: Lorcana App

     This card is not available in Italian

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Floodborn versions
Version Ink Cost Strength Willpower Lore Value Rarity Shift Cost
Perfect Gentleman Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Inkable 4.png Strength Emerald 2.png Willpower Emerald 5.png Lore.pngLore.png Uncommon2.png Uncommon 3 Cost-plain black.png
Pie Slinger Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Inkable 5.png Strength Ruby 3.png Willpower Ruby 6.png Lore.png Legendary2.png Legendary 4 Cost-plain black.png
Storyborn and Dreamborn versions
Version Ink Cost Strength Willpower Lore Value Rarity
Boisterous Fowl Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Inkable 2.png Strength Ruby 2.png Willpower Ruby 3.png Lore.png Uncommon2.png Uncommon
Buccaneer Steel-Ink.png Steel Inkable 4.png Strength Steel 3.png Willpower Steel 4.png Lore.png Legendary2.png Legendary
Daisy's Date Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Inkable 3.png Strength Ruby 2.png Willpower Ruby 4.png Lore.png Common2.png Common
Deep‐Sea Diver Steel-Ink.png Steel Inkable 5.png Strength Steel 6.png Willpower Steel 5.png Lore.png Common2.png Common
First Mate Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Inkable 3.png Strength Emerald 2.png Willpower Emerald 3.png Lore.png Uncommon2.png Uncommon
Flustered Sorcerer Amethyst-Ink.png Amethyst Uninkable 7.png Strength Amethyst 5.png Willpower Amethyst 6.png Lore.pngLore.pngLore.png Legendary2.png Legendary
Focused Flatfoot Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Inkable 5.png Strength Sapphire 3.png Willpower Sapphire 4.png Lore.pngLore.png Common2.png Common
Lively Pirate Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Uninkable 2.png Strength Emerald 1.png Willpower Emerald 1.png Lore.pngLore.png Rare2.png Rare
Musketeer Steel-Ink.png Steel Inkable 4.png Strength Steel 2.png Willpower Steel 5.png Lore.png Uncommon2.png Uncommon
Musketeer Soldier Amber-Ink.png Amber Inkable 3.png Strength Amber 2.png Willpower Amber 3.png Lore.png Uncommon2.png Uncommon
Not Again! Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Inkable 5.png Strength Ruby 1.png Willpower Ruby 5.png Lore.png Legendary2.png Legendary
Sleepwalker Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Inkable 3.png Strength Emerald 0.png Willpower Emerald 5.png Lore.png Common2.png Common
Strutting His Stuff Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Inkable 5.png Strength Sapphire 4.png Willpower Sapphire 3.png Lore.pngLore.png Common2.png Common

Second Ability

 STAY ALERT! During your turn, your Musketeer characters gain Evasive. (They can challenge characters with Evasive.)Static


Release Card No. Set Rarity
August 18, 2023 177/204·EN·1 The First Chapter Uncommon.png Uncommon
October 5, 2023 13/P1·EN·1 Spiel Essen 2023 promotional card Promo.png Promo