Bruno Madrigal - Undetected Uncle

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Bruno Madrigal
Undetected Uncle
Evasive (Only characters with Evasive can challenge this character.)

  YOU JUST HAVE TO SEE IT   Exert.pngName a card, then reveal the top card of your deck. If it's the named card, put that card into your hand and gain 3 lore. Otherwise, put it on the top of your deck.

Bruno Madrigal
Oncle inaperçu
Insaisissable (Seuls les personnages avec Insaisissable peuvent défier ce personnage.)

  IL FAUT QUE TU VOIES ÇA !   Exert.pngNommez une carte puis révélez la première carte de votre pioche. S'il s'agit de la carte nommée, ajoutez-la à votre main et gagnez 3 éclats de Lore. Sinon, remettez-la sur le dessus de votre pioche.

Bruno Madrigal
Unentdeckter Onkel
Wendig (Nur Charaktere mit Wendig können diesen Charaktere herausfordern.)

  DU MUSST ES NUR ERKENNEN   Exert.pngBenenne eine Karte, decke danach die oberste Karte deines Decks auf. Falls es die benannte Karte ist, nimm sie auf deine Hand und sammle 3 Legenden. Falls nicht, lege sie zurück auf dein Deck.

Sfuggente (Solo altri personaggi con Sfuggente possono sfidare questo personaggio.)

  DEVI SOLO CAPIRLO   Exert.pngNomina una carta, dopodiché rivela la prima carta del tuo mazzo. Se è la carta nominata, aggiungi quella carta alla tua mano e ottieni 3 leggenda. Altrimenti, mettila in cima al tuo mazzo.

Second Ability

NameAbilityTypeCostPositive Player EffectTriggerTargetTimingRepeatability
 YOU JUST HAVE TO SEE IT Name a card, then reveal the top card of your deck. If it's the named card, put that card into your hand and gain 3 lore. Otherwise, put it on the top of your deck.ActivatedExert.png Gain lore, Look at cards, Draw cards Pay Activation Cost Player deck, Player lore During main phase Once per exert


Release Card No. Set Rarity
May 17, 2024 39/204·EN·4 Ursula's Return Super Rare.png Super Rare
August 9, 2024 04/D23·EN·4 D23 Expo 2024 Collector's Set Promo.png Promo