Moana - Of Motunui

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de Motunui

  NOUS ALLONS LE RÉPARER   Lorsque ce personnage est envoyé à l'aventure, vous pouvez redresser vos autres personnages Princesse. Elles ne peuvent pas être envoyées à l'aventure pour le reste de ce tour.

“Je suis Vaiana de Motunui. Tu vas monter sur mon bateau, traverser la mer et restituer le cœur de Te Fiti.”
Source: Ravensburger

     This card is not available in Italian

Shift Options

Shift options
Floodborn versions
Version Ink Cost Strength Willpower Lore Value Rarity Shift Cost
Born Leader Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Inkable 5.png Strength Ruby 4.png Willpower Ruby 4.png Lore.pngLore.png Rare2.png Rare 3 Cost-plain black.png
Kakamora Leader Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Inkable 7.png Strength Ruby 6.png Willpower Ruby 5.png Lore.png Rare2.png Rare 5 Cost-plain black.png
Storyborn and Dreamborn versions
Version Ink Cost Strength Willpower Lore Value Rarity
Adventurer of Land and Sea Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Inkable 3.png Strength Sapphire 1.png Willpower Sapphire 6.png Lore.png Common2.png Common
Chosen by the Ocean Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Inkable 5.png Strength Ruby 2.png Willpower Ruby 6.png Lore.pngLore.png Uncommon2.png Uncommon
Determined Explorer Amber-Ink.png Amber Uninkable 3.png Strength Amber 3.png Willpower Amber 4.png Lore.pngLore.png Rare2.png Rare
Island Explorer Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Inkable 4.png Strength Ruby 4.png Willpower Ruby 3.png Lore.png Uncommon2.png Uncommon
Of Motunui Amber-Ink.png Amber Inkable 5.png Strength Amber 1.png Willpower Amber 6.png Lore.pngLore.pngLore.png Rare2.png Rare
Self‐Taught Sailor Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Inkable 1.png Strength Ruby 3.png Willpower Ruby 2.png Lore.png Common2.png Common
Undeterred Voyager Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Inkable 4.png Strength Ruby 3.png Willpower Ruby 4.png Lore.png Common2.png Common

First Ability

NameAbilityTypeCostPositive Player EffectNegative Player EffectTriggerTargetTimingRepeatability
 WE CAN FIX IT Whenever this character quests, you may ready your other Princess characters. They can't quest for the rest of this turn.Triggered Characters ready Characters can't quest On Quest Player characters (Classification:Princess) During main phase Once per Quest

Found In

Product Name Release Date Quantity
The First Chapter Amber & Amethyst Starter Deck August 18, 2023 1


Release Card No. Set Rarity
August 18, 2023 14/204·EN·1 The First Chapter Rare.png Rare