Moana - Adventurer of Land and Sea

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Floodborn versions
Version Ink Cost Strength Willpower Lore Value Rarity Shift Cost
Born Leader Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Inkable 5.png Strength Ruby 4.png Willpower Ruby 4.png Lore.pngLore.png Rare2.png Rare 3 Cost-plain black.png
Kakamora Leader Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Inkable 7.png Strength Ruby 6.png Willpower Ruby 5.png Lore.png Rare2.png Rare 5 Cost-plain black.png
Storyborn and Dreamborn versions
Version Ink Cost Strength Willpower Lore Value Rarity
Adventurer of Land and Sea Sapphire-Ink.png Sapphire Inkable 3.png Strength Sapphire 1.png Willpower Sapphire 6.png Lore.png Common2.png Common
Chosen by the Ocean Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Inkable 5.png Strength Ruby 2.png Willpower Ruby 6.png Lore.pngLore.png Uncommon2.png Uncommon
Determined Explorer Amber-Ink.png Amber Uninkable 3.png Strength Amber 3.png Willpower Amber 4.png Lore.pngLore.png Rare2.png Rare
Of Motunui Amber-Ink.png Amber Inkable 5.png Strength Amber 1.png Willpower Amber 6.png Lore.pngLore.pngLore.png Rare2.png Rare
Self‐Taught Sailor Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Inkable 1.png Strength Ruby 3.png Willpower Ruby 2.png Lore.png Common2.png Common
Undeterred Voyager Ruby-Ink.png Ruby Inkable 4.png Strength Ruby 3.png Willpower Ruby 4.png Lore.png Common2.png Common


Release Card No. Set Rarity
November 27, 2024 26/P2·EN·7 Moana 2 theatrical release promo Promo.png Promo
March 14, 2025 223/204·EN·7 Archazia's Island (Temporary card number) Promo.png Promo