Cheshire Cat (character)

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Cheshire Cat
Franchise Alice in Wonderland
Versions 4
Name in other Languages
French Chat du Cheshire
German Grinsekatze
Italian Stregatto (Name Uncertain)
None  4

Movie Quotes

“You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself.”

Cheshire Cat - Not All There
The First Chapter71/204·EN·1

Alice: “I just wanted to ask you which way I ought to go.”
Cheshire Cat: “Well, that depends on where you want to get to.”

Perplexing Signposts
Rise of the Floodborn67/204·EN·2

“You know, we could make her really angry. Shall we try?”
Cheshire Cat

Queen of Hearts - Quick‐Tempered
Rise of the Floodborn90/204·EN·2

Lorcana Original Quotes

Alice felt quite confused. “But I don't see much ink here at all. How can the flood still be changing the Inklands?”
“Things are always changing, you know,” said the cat. “It would be quite a change if they didn't.”

Cheshire Cat - Always Grinning
Rise of the Floodborn74/204·EN·2


Card Ink Classification Cost Strength Willpower Lore Value Abilities Rarity
Cheshire Cat - Always Grinning
Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Storyborn Inkable 2.png Strength Emerald 3.png Willpower Emerald 2.png Lore.png Uncommon2.png
Cheshire Cat - From the Shadows
Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Floodborn Inkable 8.png Strength Emerald 5.png Willpower Emerald 6.png Lore.pngLore.png Shift 5 (You may pay 5 Cost-plain black.png to play this on top of one of your characters named Cheshire Cat.)
Evasive (Only characters with Evasive can challenge this character.)
 WICKED SMILE  Exert.pngBanish chosen damaged character.
Super Rare2.png
Super Rare
Cheshire Cat - Not All There
Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Storyborn Inkable 3.png Strength Emerald 0.png Willpower Emerald 3.png Lore.pngLore.png  LOSE SOMETHING?  When this character is challenged and banished, banish the challenging character. Uncommon2.png
Cheshire Cat - Perplexing Feline
Emerald-Ink.png Emerald Storyborn Inkable 5.png Strength Emerald 4.png Willpower Emerald 3.png Lore.pngLore.png  MAD GRIN  When you play this character, you may deal 2 damage to chosen damaged character. Common2.png