User:Sheppy/The World of Lorcana

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The magical realm of Lorcana is the setting for the Lorcana franchise. It's name originates from "Lor" stands for Story, and "cana'" stands for Magic, with the name whole word combining to mean Story Magic. Lorcana is notable for being the first location where Illumineers learned to use magical ink to summon Glimmers within the The Great Illuminary.



Many of the humans within the realm of Lorcana take upon the duty of Illumineers, these people can use objects such as Inkcasters, Ink, Story Stars and Lorebooks to summon Glimmer's of different characters from Disney stories.

The Curator is a mysterious figure who sought to collect and preserve lore. He was both responsible for creating the contraptions that would capture and house story stars as well as the person who trained the Original Illumineers as apprentices. The Curator is also recognized as the one who discovered how to use magical ink on the pages of a lorebook to summon Glimmers. The Curator and the Original Illumineers are long gone by the time the storyline of Lorcana takes place.

In the present time, there are a new trio of Illumineers:

  • Martin, a red-haired young man that seems to be musically talented since his Inkcaster has the ability to produce sounds like a guitar. He seems to embody the Amber and Emerald inks.
  • Shanzay, a purple-haired young woman who seems to be versed in the written word, having a notebook to write on even while walking. She was summoned to Lorcana after a very unsuccessful stage poetry appearance in an almost empty venue. Her Inkcaster is pen-shaped and she appears to embody the the Amethyst and Steel inks.
  • Venturo, a black-haired young man who is gifted in technology, his Inkcaster is shaped like a gauntlet and he seems to embody the Ruby and Sapphire inks.


Summoning of a Glimmer

Glimmers are physical summons of Disney characters, items and locations created from magical ink and based on a Story Star. Multiple copies of the same Glimmer can exist at the same time and can naturally be Storyborn or Dreamborn, depending if they are an exact copy of the Story star or if an Illumineer reimagined it. The release of a chaotic Flood of ink brought about for either kind of Glimmer to take Floodborn characteristics. In order to summon a Glimmer an Illummineer requires an Inkcaster, a Lorebook and a Story Star's light.

Recreated by magical ink, Elsa found herself in an entirely new world. Fortunately, ice works the same way everywhere.

Elsa - Snow Queen
The First Chapter41/204·EN·1


Inkcaster found in The Great Illuminary

Inkcasters are the tool used by Illumineers to summon Glimmers. They seem to have different forms depending on their user's preferred way to express creativity. So far we have seen a giant pen like inkcaster for a writer, a guitar like inkaster for a musician and a glove like inkcaster for a software programmer. Apparently, inkcasters might be used for summoning other objects, such as food.

“I don't suppose y'all could whip up some more magical beignets with them inkcasters?”

Eli La Bouff - Big Daddy
Rise of the Floodborn179/204·EN·2


Lorebook found in The Great Illuminary
Lorebook backside

Lorebooks are the medium needed to summon Glimmers. An Illumineer uses an Inkcaster with magical Ink and inspiration from Story Stars on a Lorebook to trace the outline of a character before these jump out of the page. There seems to be more than one Lorebook in The Great Illuminary. Lorebooks are able to seal away Glimmers, a particular locked Lorebook covered with seaweed and barnacles was hidden away in a somewhat hidden Inkcasting Station. When an unknowing Illumineer used his Inkcaster to open it he unleashed an unknown evil from within its pages followed by a flood of ink.

“I'Il get to the bottom of what happened with that locked lorebook. You can count on me!”

Judy Hopps - Optimistic Officer
Rise of the Floodborn152/204·EN·2

Hades: “Listen, kid. If I'm gettin’ banished back to the lorebook, you're going with me.”
Hercules: “We'll see about that.”

Glimmer vs Glimmer
Shimmering Skies130/204·EN·5
Mysterious Lorebook found in The Great Illuminary

Story Star

A story star is a moment from a Disney story formed from gathering enough lore. Story stars can be captured and housed by enormous whirling contraptions inside The Great Illuminary. By harnessing its power, an Illumineer is able to use ink and a lorebook to create a glimmer.


The Great Illuminary

The Great Illuminary

The Great Illuminary is located hovering at the center of the realm of Lorcana. Illumineers first arrive here under a giant Lorcana sigil in what seems to be a portal room. An immense reservoir of magical ink, the source of Lorcana's power, fills the lower reaches of the Great Illuminary where glowing lines of color flow. Although it was used ages ago as headquarters for The Curator and the Original Illumineers in their efforts to preserve Lore, it became abandoned and inhabited only by Magic Brooms repeating the same tasks. It now houses a new generation of Illumineers.

In the immense story‐forge known as the Great Illuminary, there is always work to be done.

Magic Broom - Bucket Brigade
The First Chapter47/204·EN·1

Within the Great Illuminary exists multiple areas including:

  • The Inkcasting Station: A vast atrium hall inside the Great Illuminary adorned with wide low entasis columns. A mechanism in the center of the room is used by Illumineers to create Glimmers. More than one Inkcasting Station seem to exist inside the Great Illuminary, including one covered by black ink and seaweed.
  • The Great Library

Hall of Lorcana

Hall of Lorcana

A spacious Hall adorned with bookshelves and stairways inside of The Great Illuminary. It's best known to be filled with bluish spheres that house all the items of Lore gathered by The Curator. It was the room most affected by The Flood, being inundated by magic ink after a huge wave crashed causing all of the artifacts to be washed away into the Inklands. Known artefacts to be housed in the Hall of Lorcana include:

Like so much other lore, Peter Pan's dagger was safe in the Great Illuminary until the flood.

Peter Pan's Dagger
Rise of the Floodborn135/204·EN·2

It stands in the Hall of Lorcana, waiting for someone to speak the secret words.

Into the Inklands200/204·EN·3

The Inklands

The realm of Lorcana contains many different environments, these different regions are called the Inklands and encompass natural environments such as forests, jungles, wetlands as well as topographic features like islands, mountains, deep oceans, and rivers.


On rivers throughout the Inklands, the little steamboat's whistle answers the cheery tunes of its pilot.

Mickey Mouse - Steamboat Pilot
The First Chapter89/204·EN·1

The Flood of magic ink released by an unknowing Illumineer caused changes in the Inklands to both the environment and the Glimmers that live within it turning them into Floodborns.

Alice felt quite confused. “But I don't see much ink here at all. How can the flood still be changing the Inklands?”
“Things are always changing, you know,” said the cat. “It would be quite a change if they didn't.”

Cheshire Cat - Always Grinning
Rise of the Floodborn74/204·EN·2

The Edge

The realm is not infinite, there seems to be a dark void surrounding it where complete darkness prevails, this has been referred to as The Edge and contains many strange things. A portion of it is home to Ursula's Grotto where she captured entangled Glimmers.

“Strange things be at the edge of the map: sea witches, entangled glimmers, and whatnot. I'll stay with me ship, thank you.”

John Silver - Terror of the Realm
Ursula's Return148/204·EN·4

“So you see, there's a dark void at the edge of Lorcana. A complete absence of electromagnetic radiation! What's it made of? I don't know! The light's just gone. Kaput!”

Ludwig von Drake - Self‐Proclaimed Genius
Shimmering Skies151/204·EN·5

The Azurite Sea

The sea surrounding the realm, Monstro in known to reside here.

The Sky Above

The Moon

The Moon above Lorcana is capable to be reached as Della Duck was once trapped there.