BREAK FREE During your turn, whenever one of your other characters banishes another character in a challenge, you may ready this character.
Gustav the Giant - Terror of the Kingdom
LIGOTÉ Ce personnage entre en jeu épuisé et ne se redresse pas au début de votre tour.
LIBÉRÉ Chaque fois que l'un de vos autres personnages en bannit un autre via un défi durant votre tour, vous pouvez redresser ce personnage.
GEFESSELT Dieser Charakter kommt erschopft ins Spiel und wird zu Beginn deines Zuges nicht bereit gemacht.
BEFREIEN Jedes Mal, wenn einer deiner anderen Charaktere in deinem Zug durch eine Herausforderung einen anderen Charakter verbannt, darfst du diesen Charakter bereit machen.
LEGATO Questo personaggio entra in gioco impegnato e non si può preparare all'inizio del tuo turno.
LIBERARSI Durante il tuo turno, ogni volta che uno dei tuoi altri personaggi [[[banish|esilia]] un altro personaggio in una sfida, puoi preparare questo personaggio.
First Ability
Name | Ability | Type | Cost |
ALL TIED UP | This character enters play exerted and can't ready at the start of your turn. | Static |
Second Ability
Name | Ability | Type | Cost |
BREAK FREE | During your turn, whenever one of your other characters banishes another character in a challenge, you may ready this character. | Triggered |
Release | Card No. | Set | Rarity |
February 23, 2024 | 173/204·EN·3 | Into the Inklands | ![]() |