Potion of Might Kendall HaleInkRuby Card TypeItemCost VILE CONCOCTION 1 , Banish this item - Chosen character gets +3 this turn. If a Villain character is chosen, they get +4 instead.FranchiseSnow White and the Seven DwarfsGallerySource: La Madre dei Draghi
Potion of Might Kendall HaleEncreRubis Type de CarteObjetCoût FranchiseSnow White and the Seven DwarfsGallerySource: La Madre dei Draghi
Potion of Might Kendall HaleTintenfarbenRubin ArtGegenständKosten FranchiseSnow White and the Seven DwarfsGallerySource: La Madre dei Draghi
Potion of Might Kendall HaleInchiostroRubino Tipi di CarteOggettoCosto FranchiseSnow White and the Seven DwarfsGallerySource: La Madre dei Draghi