Microbots Stefano SpagnuoloInkSapphire Card TypeItemCost LIMITLESS APPLICATIONS You may have any number of cards named Microbots in your deck. INSPIRED TECH When you play this item, chosen character gets -1 this turn for each item named Microbots you have in play.FranchiseBig Hero 6GallerySource: BleedingCool
Microbots Stefano SpagnuoloEncreSaphir Type de CarteObjetCoût FranchiseBig Hero 6GallerySource: BleedingCool
Microbots Stefano SpagnuoloTintenfarbenSaphir ArtGegenständKosten FranchiseBig Hero 6GallerySource: BleedingCool
Microbots Stefano SpagnuoloInchiostroZaffiro Tipi di CarteOggettoCosto FranchiseBig Hero 6GallerySource: BleedingCool