MushuReport:Manual of Style

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This Manual of Style outlines the acceptable practices governing article construction on Mushu Report Wiki, ensuring consistent language, layout and formatting.

Card Page

Card pages are the backbone of the wiki, their importance is emphasized. It's important to reiterate that Mushu Report Wiki is not a fan-content Wiki and therefore fan cards are not allowed to be added. Contributors are encouraged to keep fan content withing their User Page and avoid using Templates that add pages into Main Space Categories. Only cards acknowledged by an official Lorcana source should be added. Mushu Report Wiki does not encourages nor condones leaked materials or information, including but not limited to cards, products, events or promotions."

Title of a Card Page

For page creation the title of the Card Page should be the Card Name. For Characters and Locations please use en dash (-) to separate the main name from the Version. This is the character commonly found in all english language keyboards. Other than this dash no other dash should be used, instead a hyphen (‐) should be used if the card so requires. Examples:

Wreck‐It Ralph - Demolition Dude The character's name "Wreck‐It Ralph" contains a hyphen.
Happy - Good‐Natured The version "Good‐Natured" contains a hyphen.
Tick‐Tock - Ever‐Present Pursuer Both the character's name and the version contain a hyphen each.


Activated Abilities require to use an em dash (–) to separate the Cost from their effect. Any other instance of characters can use a normal en dash (-) commonly found in all english language keyboards. If an ability has the effect of giving another card or itself an extra Activated ability the new ability must also use an en dash (-) between the cost and the effect. Negative numerical effects also use a normal en dash (-). Examples:

Exert.png, 2 Cost-plain black.png – Deal 1 damage to chosen character. Cost and effect are separated by an em dash.
Your characters with Reckless gain “Exert.png - Gain 1 lore.” Cost and effect for the ability gained use an en dash.
Chosen character gets -2 strength.png until the start of your next turn. Negative effect on Strenght uses an en dash.

Flavor text


Quotes found in flavor text use (at least in english) the opening double quote ( “ ), and the closing double quote ( ” ). These are different from the straight double quote (") character found in all english language keyboards. The quote's author (if any) should always use a line break (<br>) followed by an em dash (–) and the character's name should link to a character page even if said page doesn't exist yet.

Any first instance of a character's name other than the quote's author should link to a character page even if said page doesn't exist yet. Indirect mentions should not since there is no context to assure which character the text is refering to.

Any instance of ellipsis should use three dots (...) instead of the elipsis (…) character. Any instances of hyphened words should use a hypen (‐) instead of an en dash (-). Example: ten‐thousand, far‐off, warm‐up, double‐cross, etc...


Text should try to be formatted in the same way as in the card. If the text is cutted short use a line break (<br>). Example:

It rages through the forest,
Wings spreod wide with flame
Spring sings its oncient chorus
And green renews its claim
It rages through the forest,<br>Wings spreod wide with flame<br>Spring sings its oncient chorus<br>And green renews its claim

Any first instance of a character's name should link to a character page even if said page doesn't exist yet. Indirect mentions should not since there is no context to assure which character the text is refering to.

Any instance of ellipsis should use three dots (...) instead of the elipsis (…) character. Any instances of hyphened words should use a hypen (‐) instead of an en dash (-). Example: ten‐thousand, far‐off, warm‐up, double‐cross, etc...

Character Page

Any other MainSpace Page