Hundred Acre IslandPooh's Home Andreas Rocha Andreas RochaInkAmber Card TypeLocationCostMove CostWillpowerLore FRIENDS FOREVER During an opponent's turn, whenever a character is banished here, gain 1 lore.FranchiseWinnie the PoohGallerySource: Polygon
Hundred Acre Island Andreas Rocha Andreas RochaEncreAmbre Type de CarteLieuCoûtCoût de déplacementVolontéLore FranchiseWinnie the PoohGallerySource: Polygon
Hundred Acre Island Andreas Rocha Andreas RochaTintenfarbenBernstein ArtOrtKostenUmzugskostenWillenskraftLegenden FranchiseWinnie the PoohGallerySource: Polygon
Hundred Acre Island Andreas Rocha Andreas RochaInchiostroAmbra Tipi di CarteLuogoCostoCostoVolontàLeggenda FranchiseWinnie the PoohGallerySource: Polygon