Fairy ShipRoyal Vessel Kristen Kaluba Kristen KalubaInkAmethyst Card TypeLocationCostMove CostWillpowerLore Legends say that each time something goes missing, it's been taken to build the fairy ships of the Azurite Sea. FranchisePeter PanGallerySource: Lorcana Official Discord
Fairy Ship Kristen Kaluba Kristen KalubaEncreAméthyste Type de CarteLieuCoûtCoût de déplacementVolontéLore FranchisePeter PanGallerySource: Lorcana Official Discord
Fairy Ship Kristen Kaluba Kristen KalubaTintenfarbenAmethyst ArtOrtKostenUmzugskostenWillenskraftLegenden FranchisePeter PanGallerySource: Lorcana Official Discord
Fairy Ship Kristen Kaluba Kristen KalubaInchiostroAmetista Tipi di CarteLuogoCostoCostoVolontàLeggenda FranchisePeter PanGallerySource: Lorcana Official Discord