Rulings:Be Prepared

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Be Prepared
Be Prepared

Be Prepared Rulings

When resolving the effect of Be Prepared, all Characters are banished at the same time and go to the Discard pile at the same time. Any effects that are triggered by characters entering the discard pile are added to a pool where the active player first chooses the order for all their abilities to trigger and resolve them, before the opponent gets to choose the order for all their ability to trigger and resolve them.[1]

Characters in a location are still considered in play. They are affected by cards that say "characters" in play, and they would all be banished by Be Prepared regardless of which location they are at.[4][5]


  1. "Be Prepared banish timing". Lorcana Twitter.
  2. "Musketeer Tabard & Be Prepared Ruling". Lorcana Twitter.
  3. "Musketeer Tabard & Be Prepared Ruling 2". Steve Warner Twitter.
  4. "location characters stay in play ruling". Steve Warner.
  5. "location characters stay in play ruling2". Steve Warner.