Template:The First Chapter Storyline

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The World of Lorcana

Welcome to Lorcana, an enchanted realm of imagination in a distant dimension. At the center of this realm is a wonder unto itself: the Great Illuminary. It is here Illumineers first wielded magical inks to create countless versions of Disney characters and items, which are summoned in this world as glimmers.

The Great Illuminary houses endless marvels. Enormous whirling contraptions capture colorful story stars - fragments of Disney stories. Glowing lines of color flow from room to room. And an immense reservoir of magical ink, the source of Lorcana's power, fills the lower reaches.

These wonders were created by a figure called the Curator, who sought to collect and reimagine stories by harnessing the power of story stars. By pairing their light with magical ink on the pages of a lorebook, he was able to create glimmers. He called a small group of imaginative apprentices to help him in this work, naming them Illumineers. Together they filled the halls with glimmers and the lorebooks they're inkcast out of - all especially valuable lore in Lorcana.

Ages passed. The Curator and original Illumineers are now gone, but a power deep within the Great Illuminary has awakened. Its call sounds throughout the world, summoning extraordinary and creative people to master the power of Lorcana. New Illumineers must resume the great work of the Curator to collect and preserve lore. Glimmers will then roam the Illuminary again.

Come discover the wonder and magic of Lorcana. This age is yours.