MushuReport:WikiProject NewCardSet

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This project aims to list all necessary tasks to cover a New Card Set within the Mushu Report. Everyone is welcome to join in this endeavor during the period of time between the set's announcement and its release.

Tasks are divided between those that required to be done once (most likely by an Administrator or Bureaucrat) and the tasks that require repetition and that any registered user can contribute with.

Current New Set progress:

Shimmering Skies

One-time tasks
Mainspace article Shimmering Skies Y.png
SET Logo File:Shimmering Skies logo.png Y.png
SET Gallery article Gallery:Shimmering Skies Y.png
SET List Shimmering Skies List Y.png
SET Card List Shimmering Skies Card List Y.png
Product mainspace articles Shimmering Skies Booster Y.png
Shimmering Skies Starter Deck Y.png
Shimmering Skies Illumineer's Trove Y.png
Shimmering Skies Organized Play Kit
Shimmering Skies Gift Set
Categories Category:Shimmering Skies Y.png
Category:Shimmering Skies cards (EN) Y.png
Category:Shimmering Skies cards (FR) Y.png
Category:Shimmering Skies cards (DE) Y.png
Category:Shimmering Skies cards (IT) Y.png
Update Disney Lorcana
Cards Images (EN) Images (FR) Images (DE) Images (IT) Protected Pages
204 223 223 222 31 22


Task Description Example
Mainspace article Create mainspace article The First Chapter
Set Logo Upload set logo
[[File:Rise of the Floodborn logo.png]]
Set Gallery article Create Set Gallery and Artwork mainspace article Gallery:The First Chapter
Set List Create Set List article The First Chapter List
Template SET full list Create Set List template
{{Template:The First Chapter full list}}
Product mainspace articles Create Products mainspace articles The First Chapter Booster
Product Gallery mainspace articles Create Products Gallery mainspace articles Gallery:The First Chapter Card Gallery
Update Disney Lorcana Add information to Lorcana#Releases
Categories Create Categories
[[:Category:SET]][[:Category:SET Galleries]][[:Category:SET cards (EN)]][[:Category:SET cards (FR)]][[:Category:SET cards (DE)]][[:Category:SET cards (IT)]]
New mainspace articles (Card Type, Classification, Keyword, Franchise) Create mainspace pages for any new tags added to {{Card}}
New mainspace illustrators articles Create mainspace pages for any new Illustrator
New Characters list Create list page for any new Character


Template Change
  • Add following cardinal number to CardSet
  • Add any new Card Types, Classifications, Keywords, Franchises
{{Set}} Add number added to Card template and name of the Set
{{CardSets}} Add Set and Products
{{Upcoming Product}} Add Set and Products to Main Page


Task Description Example
Card mainspace article Create Card mainspace article:
  • Page Name for Characters is [Name - Version], other cards use [Name].
  • Add | temp= to Template {{Card}} if card is not available in English
Mickey Mouse - Brave Little Tailor
Card Number redirect Create REDIRECTto Card article 115/204·EN·1
Complete Language information Add Card Name, Abilites and Ability descriptions in English, French, German and Italian
Protect Card article Change protection to "Edit: Allow only users with page edit permission)"


Task Description Example
Card Image in English (size different to 1,468 x 2,048 pixels) Upload temporary Card Image (First available image unless taken from the App)
Card Image in French (size different to 1,468 x 2,048 pixels) Upload temporary Card Image (First available image unless taken from the App)
Card Image in German (size different to 1,468 x 2,048 pixels) Upload temporary Card Image (First available image unless taken from the App)
Card Image in Italian (size different to 1,468 x 2,048 pixels) Upload temporary Card Image (First available image unless taken from the App)
Card Images added to Categories Add Category to images
[[:Category:SET cards (EN)]][[:Category:SET cards (FR)]][[:Category:SET cards (DE)]][[:Category:SET cards (IT)]]
Card Image in best size (size different to 1,468 x 2,048 pixels) Whenever the App updates with new cards, upload new versions of the cards

Templates and Lists

Task Description Example
{{Template:SET full list}} Update with new card information
{{Template:The First Chapter full list}}
[[Gallery:SET Card Gallery]] Update with new card image Gallery:The First Chapter Card Gallery
Task Description
All mainspace articles Update articles from future to past tense
Main Page Latest Releases Delete old Products from Latest Releases, move {{Upcoming Product}}s