User talk:Sheppy

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Hello and welcome! Thanks for that incredible contribution to the Banish page, I'm glad that someone else got the idea on how to use the ability templates! Thanks again and I hope to see more of you around! Please feel free to ask me anything if you need help. MariusM (talk) 19:35, 22 March 2024 (-08)

Thank you for the welcome, I'll see how I go, the users have done a lot of good work in a short amount of time. I'm presently attempting a similar thing with the Banish page similar to what I did with the reveal page, a lot more cards to take into consideration though. I think I should be good for now, but I'll let you know! --Sheppy (talk) 20:39, 22 March 2024 (-08)

Huge thank you!

Wow! I have no words to express how much I thank you for going through so many of the old pages and fixing them up! You did a lot! MariusM (talk) 06:20, 4 April 2024 (-08)